Beauty trendovi iz 2015. koje u 2016. želimo zaboraviti

by | 28 prosinca, 2015

Godina 2015. bila je prepuna novih trendova koji su se gotovo svakodnevno širili društvenim mrežama. Kada smo pomislili da nas više ništa ne može začuditi, bespuće interneta nas je uvijek nanovo iznenadilo i pokazalo nam nešto novo iz svijeta. Na jednom mjestu okupili smo sve uznemirujuće trendove za koje se nadamo da će izumrijeti i ostati zaboravljeni u ropotarnici prošlosti 2015. godine.

Bubble nails seem like a special kind of hell when you're in the bathroom.

Balonasti nokti…

Glitter roots could singlehandedly keep Head & Shoulders in business.

Šljokice u izrastu kose…

Glitter beards seem like a really great way to make it feel like you've got a yeast infection on your face.

Šljokice u bradi…

And don't even get me started on glitter armpits.

Šljokice ispod pazuha…

Head plants are fucking with the photosynthesis process.

Cvijet na glavi…

Why would you spend time weaving a hair tapestry when you could do something much more productive, like watching paint dry?

Pletivo u kosi…

Tie-dye hair seems like a lot of work for something that will make your shower look like the scene of a unicorn massacre every time you wash your hair.

Print dugine boje u kosi…

We have come TOO FAR to purposely have clumpy mascara.“Istrošen” make-up trenutak…

Is this pixel hair or a Dell computer from 1997? You be the judge.

Digitalno bojenje kose…

IRL hangovers make this look naturally, so hangover makeup seems like a time-suck.

Usne Kylie Jenner…

Hair tattoos...why are you here? Are you lost?Tetovaže u kosi…

Gold-leaf hair is the drunk cousin of hair tattoos.

Zlatni listići u kosi…

Foto: Instagram, Pinterest