INSTAGRAM JE UVEO nove promjene, a evo o čemu se radi

by | 26 svibnja, 2017

Instagram je svježe predstavio dvije novine koje bi trebale korisnicima olakšati uporabu ove megapopularne aplikacije.

Obje novine odnose se na Instagram Stories opcije, točnije, na njihovu pretragu.

Zahvaljujući nedavno predstavljenim hashtag dodacima za Instagram Stories, sada je moguće pretraživati ne samo postove nego i IG Stories objave po određenim hashtagovima.

Osim toga, svi korisnici trebali bi već moći vidjeti IG Stories objave grupirane po lokacijama, bilo da je, npr., u pitanju Zagreb ili Split.

Ako je u ovom slučaju vaša priča odabrana za lokacijsku kompilaciju, na vrhu IG Stories objave, tamo gdje gledate koliko imate pregleda, pojavit će se mala obavijest s brojem pregleda vaše objave u okviru šire priče.

Ako ne želite da drugi vide vašu objavu, ali i dalje želite koristiti oznaku za lokaciju samo za svoje pratitelje, dovoljno je da kod broja onih koji vide vašu objavu kliknete na maleno X.

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Today we’re excited to announce two new ways to discover the world around you on Explore: location stories and hashtag stories. Now you can see what’s happening around you and find stories related to your interests. You’ll see a new story ring at the top of Explore filled with stories happening near you. You can also search for any location around the world, and you’ll see a story ring for that place at the top of the location page. We’re also beginning to introduce hashtag stories on Explore. When you search for a hashtag, you may see a story ring at the top of the page filled with stories using that hashtag. Add a location sticker or hashtag to your story and you may be included in the larger story. If you want to use a location or hashtag sticker but don’t want your story to appear on Explore, tap the X on your stories viewer list. From discovering new parts of your hometown to jogging alongside the #fromwhereirun community, location and hashtag stories help you share these experiences as they unfold. To learn more about location stories and hashtag stories, check out Location stories on Explore are available on iOS and Android as part of Instagram version 10.22 in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Hashtag stories will be rolling out over the coming weeks.

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